The H600 Project Genealogy DB

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Matches 1 to 5 of 5 for First Name equals MARY AGNES AND Tree equals A00 Hoar and Horr Families North America

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 #  Last Name, Given Name(s)    Person ID   Born/Christened    Location   Tree 
Butler, Mary Agnes
I51069    A00 Hoar and Horr Families North America
Lewis, Mary Agnes
I69131  b. 22 May 1901 Reserve, Brown Co, Kansas, USA  A00 Hoar and Horr Families North America
McDonnell, Mary Agnes
I75807  b. Abt 1929 Hastings, Ontario, Canada  A00 Hoar and Horr Families North America
Ousterhout, Mary Agnes
I73047  b. 10 Oct 1893 Ovid, Clinton Co, Michigan, USA  A00 Hoar and Horr Families North America
Quinlisk, Mary Agnes
I49889  b. 27 Oct 1875 Manhattan, New York Co, New York, USA  A00 Hoar and Horr Families North America

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