The H600 Project Genealogy DB

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Matches 1 to 4 of 4 for First Name contains GEOFFREY AND Tree equals A00 Hoar and Horr Families North America

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 #  Last Name, Given Name(s)    Person ID   Born/Christened    Location   Tree 
Bennett, Geoffrey Watts
I25648  b. 4 Jul 1906 Oskaloosa, Mahaska Co, Iowa, USA  A00 Hoar and Horr Families North America
Christian, George Geoffrey
I72815  b. 1899 England  A00 Hoar and Horr Families North America
Clarkson, Geoffrey
I52726  b. 20 Apr 1897 Essex, England  A00 Hoar and Horr Families North America
Hoar, Geoffrey
I28373  b. 26 Apr 1922 Knee Hill Valley, Alberta, Canada  A00 Hoar and Horr Families North America

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