The H600 Project Genealogy DB
Walter Irving Standish

( = Descendancy chart to this point,
= Expand,
= Collapse)
- 1 Walter Irving Standish [1] b. 23 Dec 1879 d. Aft 1929
Marian Harland Keith b. Oct 1883 d. Aft 1929
- 2 Myra Harlow Standish [1.1]
b. 10 Oct 1905 d. 20 Aug 1995
Alton Howard Linton b. 21 Feb 1909 d. 24 Jan 1992
- 3 Alton Harlow Linton [1.1.1]
b. 2 Mar 1928
- 3 Marion H. Linton [1.1.2]
b. Abt 1930
- 3 Lavinia B. Linton [1.1.3]
b. Abt 1932
- 3 Living [1.1.4]
- 3 Living [1.1.5]
- 3 Living [1.1.6]
- 3 Alton Harlow Linton [1.1.1]
- 2 Helen E. Standish [1.2]
b. Abt 1906 d. Aft 1919
- 2 Harland Irving Standish [1.3]
b. 26 Sep 1911 d. 1966
- + Fannie E. Tribou b. 1907 d. 1998
- + Fannie E. Tribou b. 1907 d. 1998
- 2 Marian Standish [1.4]
b. 6 Jun 1913 d. Aft 1929
- 2 Barbara Keith Standish [1.5]
b. 25 Jul 1918 d. 7 Dec 2003
- + Crawford Wright b. 14 Feb 1916
- + Crawford Wright b. 14 Feb 1916
- 2 Walter Alden Standish [1.6]
b. 14 Jul 1922 d. 9 Aug 1988
- + Beatrice L. Surette b. Abt 1914 d. 1 Jun 1998
- + Beatrice L. Surette b. Abt 1914 d. 1 Jun 1998
- 2 Myra Harlow Standish [1.1]